IRC log of musicbrainz on 2013-05-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:05:19 [hawke_]
I expect he was referring to the idea of machines *creating* music ... not machines used as instruments. :-)
00:08:39 [misterswag]
misterswag has joined #musicbrainz
00:11:42 [derwin]
00:16:57 [AJ_Z0]
LordSputnik: Thank you for the clarification
00:17:05 [MissDee_]
can i get Picard to save cover art images with individual names like back, cover, etc
00:17:18 [MissDee_]
rather than cover, cover (1), cover (2) ?
00:18:01 [MissDee_]
I couldn't see a tag/variable for it
00:42:42 [voiceinsideyou]
voiceinsideyou has joined #musicbrainz
01:03:32 [peaveyman]
peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
01:06:00 [mat__]
mat__ has joined #musicbrainz
01:06:01 [mat__]
mat__ has joined #musicbrainz
01:06:22 [JoeMooCow]
JoeMooCow has joined #musicbrainz
01:07:31 [murdos_]
murdos_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:07:40 [bitmap_]
bitmap_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:08:04 [nikki_]
nikki_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:08:48 [bitmap]
bitmap has joined #musicbrainz
01:10:33 [_flow__]
_flow__ has joined #musicbrainz
01:13:14 [hangy_]
hangy_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:14:35 [MClemo]
MClemo has joined #musicbrainz
01:15:15 [VxJasonxV]
VxJasonxV has joined #musicbrainz
01:20:21 [JoeMooCow]
JoeMooCow has joined #musicbrainz
01:21:25 [voiceinsideyou1]
voiceinsideyou1 has joined #musicbrainz
01:21:29 [peaveyman_]
peaveyman_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:24:34 [night199uk]
night199uk has joined #musicbrainz
01:24:34 [HSOWA]
HSOWA has joined #musicbrainz
01:24:34 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
ZaphodBeeblebrox has joined #musicbrainz
01:24:56 [night199uk]
night199uk has joined #musicbrainz
01:29:45 [peaveyman]
peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
01:39:11 [skd5aner]
skd5aner has joined #musicbrainz
01:40:40 [MBChatLogger]
MBChatLogger has joined #musicbrainz
01:40:40 [MBChatLogger]
is logging
01:40:40 []
Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger JonnyJD derwin_ hangy_ ianmcorvidae|alt peaveyman_ bitmap Afterster flamingspinach_ dwg_ sampsyo sezuan JoeMooCow skd5aner peaveyman ZaphodBeeblebrox HSOWA night199uk VxJasonxV MClemo hangy _flow__ nikki murdos mat_ misterswag reosarevok uptown kepstin_ STalKer-X SultS DocPlatypus the_metalgamer yvesr Vorpal drsaunde djpretzel hawke joris _5moufl Krystof gnu_andrew Leftmost Kabaka Jozo nioncode DWSR danoply jamesh_ praest76 JonnyJD_
01:40:40 []
Users on #musicbrainz: Magic8Ball DarkAudit Tykling asmodai Jormangeud lidel ManiacTwister srotta hawke_ xsteadfastx ocharles Clint function1 DremoraLV phunyguy choupy teh_almarar evilnick AJ_Z0 Shepard navap Fluke Rondom KingJ sivoais ianmcorvidae frewsxcv Sergey_Ivanov Lotheric joshk shardz_ adrianw derwin petteyg Muz Schisma_ bricas jordi djinni` mr_maxis El_Rico tyteen4a03 iarp sam_d kloeri ianweller smgoller demosdemon leonardo MissDee_ nano- alastairp warp
01:40:40 []
Users on #musicbrainz: legoktm luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist
01:40:54 [Diaoul]
Diaoul has joined #musicbrainz
01:40:56 [mb-chat-logger]
mb-chat-logger has joined #musicbrainz
01:41:18 [legoktm]
legoktm has left #musicbrainz
01:42:40 [tenthirteen]
tenthirteen has joined #musicbrainz
01:42:56 [Khorynthium]
Khorynthium has joined #musicbrainz
01:43:50 [Kabaka]
Kabaka has joined #musicbrainz
01:44:36 [AJ_Z0]
AJ_Z0 has joined #musicbrainz
01:49:18 [MxxCon]
MxxCon has joined #musicbrainz
01:49:36 [navap]
navap has joined #musicbrainz
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navap has joined #musicbrainz
01:51:08 [KingJ]
KingJ has joined #musicbrainz
01:51:12 [hangy_]
hangy_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:51:26 [VxJasonxV^]
VxJasonxV^ has joined #musicbrainz
01:51:41 [MxxCon]
hawke: regarding those led zeppelin covers
01:53:04 [MxxCon]
so back cover and inside ring of CD has label WPCR-75002
01:53:26 [MxxCon]
however OBI and pictures of the whole box set have WPCR-14843
01:53:44 [DarkerAudit]
DarkerAudit has joined #musicbrainz
01:54:00 [MxxCon]
er WPCR-14844
01:54:07 [MClemo]
MClemo has joined #musicbrainz
01:54:20 [MxxCon]
the whole box set seems to be refered to as WPCR-14843
01:54:27 [MxxCon]
so i'm not sure how to approach this
01:58:18 [MBChatLogger_1]
MBChatLogger_1 has joined #musicbrainz
01:58:18 [MBChatLogger_1]
is logging
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Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger_1 xgnu_andrew murdos_ Afterster nikki_ MClemo DarkerAudit VxJasonxV^ hangy KingJ navap MxxCon AJ_Z0 Kabaka Sergey_Ivanov tenthirteen mb-chat-logger Diaoul MBChatLogger JonnyJD ianmcorvidae|alt peaveyman_ bitmap flamingspinach_ dwg_ sampsyo sezuan JoeLlama skd5aner ZaphodBeeblebrox HSOWA night199uk _flow__ nikki mat_ misterswag reosarevok uptown kepstin_ STalKer-X SultS DocPlatypus the_metalgamer yvesr Vorpal drsaunde djpretzel hawke
01:58:18 []
Users on #musicbrainz: joris _5moufl Krystof gnu_andrew Leftmost nioncode DWSR danoply jamesh_ praest76 Magic8Ball DarkAudit Tykling asmodai Jormangeud lidel ManiacTwister srotta hawke_ xsteadfastx ocharles Clint function1 DremoraLV phunyguy choupy teh_almarar evilnick Shepard Fluke Rondom frewsxcv Lotheric joshk shardz_ adrianw petteyg Muz bricas jordi djinni` El_Rico tyteen4a03 iarp sam_d kloeri ianweller smgoller demosdemon leonardo MissDee_ nano- alastairp warp
01:58:18 []
Users on #musicbrainz: luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist
01:59:18 [alastairp_]
alastairp_ has joined #musicbrainz
01:59:26 [Diaoul]
Diaoul has joined #musicbrainz
01:59:55 [JonnyJD]
JonnyJD has joined #musicbrainz
02:07:29 [MBChatLogger]
MBChatLogger has joined #musicbrainz
02:07:29 [MBChatLogger]
is logging
02:07:29 []
Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger demosdemon peaveyman Tyklol skd5aner nioncode xgnu_andii _5moufl DremoraLV derwin AJ_Z0 DWSR2 Sergey_Ivanov ianwelle1 JonnyJD Diaoul alastairp_ MBChatLogger_1 xgnu_andrew Afterster frewsxcv Lotheric joshk shardz_ adrianw petteyg Muz bricas jordi djinni` El_Rico Synergist hazrpg njh intgr luks_ warp nano- MissDee_ leonardo smgoller kloeri sam_d iarp tyteen4a03 Rondom Fluke Shepard evilnick teh_almarar choupy phunyguy function1 Clint
02:07:29 []
Users on #musicbrainz: ocharles xsteadfastx hawke_ srotta ManiacTwister lidel Jormangeud asmodai praest76 jamesh_ danoply Leftmost joris hawke djpretzel drsaunde Vorpal yvesr the_metalgamer DocPlatypus SultS STalKer-X kepstin_ uptown reosarevok mat_ _flow__ night199uk HSOWA ZaphodBeeblebrox JoeLlama sezuan sampsyo dwg_ flamingspinach_ bitmap peaveyman_ ianmcorvidae|alt mb-chat-logger tenthirteen Kabaka navap KingJ hangy VxJasonxV^ DarkerAudit MClemo nikki_ murdos_
02:07:53 [flamingspinach]
flamingspinach has joined #musicbrainz
02:13:55 [ianweller]
ianweller has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [derwin]
derwin has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [nikki]
nikki has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [VxJasonxV^]
VxJasonxV^ has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [_flow__]
_flow__ has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [STalKer-X]
STalKer-X has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:25 [SultS]
SultS has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:33 [Diaoul]
Diaoul has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:43 [peaveyman_]
peaveyman_ has joined #musicbrainz
02:21:50 [MClemo_]
MClemo_ has joined #musicbrainz
02:23:21 [ianwelle1]
ianwelle1 has joined #musicbrainz
02:23:26 [mb-chat-logger]
mb-chat-logger has joined #musicbrainz
02:28:56 [uptown1]
uptown1 has joined #musicbrainz
02:32:20 [JonnyJD_]
JonnyJD_ has joined #musicbrainz
02:32:22 [sivoais]
sivoais has joined #musicbrainz
02:32:25 [DarkestAudit]
DarkestAudit has joined #musicbrainz
02:32:28 [demosdemon]
demosdemon has joined #musicbrainz
02:32:29 [Kabaka]
Kabaka has joined #musicbrainz
02:34:08 [sivoais]
sivoais has joined #musicbrainz
02:37:30 [ten13]
ten13 has joined #musicbrainz
02:38:56 [xgnu_andrew]
xgnu_andrew has joined #musicbrainz
02:41:22 [VxJasonxV]
VxJasonxV has joined #musicbrainz
02:43:31 [moufl]
moufl has joined #musicbrainz
02:47:59 [Kabaka]
Kabaka has joined #musicbrainz
02:50:49 [Kabaka]
Kabaka has joined #musicbrainz
02:52:54 [ianmcorvidae]
ianmcorvidae has joined #musicbrainz
02:52:54 [ianmcorvidae]
ianmcorvidae has joined #musicbrainz
02:54:15 [Tykling]
Tykling has joined #musicbrainz
02:54:17 [hangy]
hangy has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:08 [AJ_Z0]
AJ_Z0 has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:22 [Afterster]
Afterster has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:26 [HSOWA]
HSOWA has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:26 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
ZaphodBeeblebrox has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:46 [night199uk]
night199uk has joined #musicbrainz
03:00:46 [night199uk]
night199uk has joined #musicbrainz
03:02:14 [VxJasonxV^]
VxJasonxV^ has joined #musicbrainz
03:03:03 [ianwelle1]
ianwelle1 has joined #musicbrainz
03:03:04 [_5moufl]
_5moufl has joined #musicbrainz
03:03:13 [mr_maxis]
mr_maxis has joined #musicbrainz
03:08:35 [demosdemon_]
demosdemon_ has joined #musicbrainz
03:18:11 [execat]
execat has joined #musicbrainz
03:45:12 [Schisma_]
Schisma_ has joined #musicbrainz
03:55:23 [STalKer-Y]
STalKer-Y has joined #musicbrainz
03:55:23 [STalKer-Y]
STalKer-Y has joined #musicbrainz
04:05:21 [Prophet5]
Prophet5 has joined #musicbrainz
04:13:47 [JoeLlama]
JoeLlama has joined #musicbrainz
04:23:57 [kepstin-laptop]
kepstin-laptop has joined #musicbrainz
04:33:48 [peaveyman]
peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
05:42:44 [voiceinsideyou]
voiceinsideyou has joined #musicbrainz
05:56:11 [MxxCon]
MxxCon has joined #musicbrainz
06:05:18 [nikki]
hawke: ping
06:15:29 [phunyguy]
phunyguy has joined #musicbrainz
06:15:29 [phunyguy]
phunyguy has joined #musicbrainz
06:19:48 [Krystof]
Krystof has joined #musicbrainz
06:22:32 [phunyguy]
phunyguy has joined #musicbrainz
06:27:37 [gmk1]
gmk1 has joined #musicbrainz
06:30:42 [phunyguy]
phunyguy has joined #musicbrainz
06:30:42 [phunyguy]
phunyguy has joined #musicbrainz
06:38:35 [MxxCon]
dang nikki that's some spagetti unraveling there. :)
06:38:43 [Leftmost`]
Leftmost` has joined #musicbrainz
06:39:52 [nikki]
06:40:15 [Leftmost]
Leftmost has joined #musicbrainz
06:44:55 [napterk]
napterk has joined #musicbrainz
06:47:32 [MxxCon]
nikki: hmm this is weird
06:47:41 [nikki]
06:48:26 [MxxCon]
so there's this box set,IgdsQUU#0
06:48:43 [MxxCon]
you can see those WPCR numbers
06:49:48 [MxxCon]
however, albums themsleves there have WPCR-75xxx numbers
06:50:14 [MxxCon]
only OBI covers have WPCR-148xx
06:50:37 [nikki]
ew :/
06:52:10 [culinko]
culinko has joined #musicbrainz
06:52:10 [MxxCon]
CDs themselves also have WPCR-75 numbers
06:56:43 [nikki]
maybe it was a sneaky way to use up some leftover stock. print new obis, put them round the existing cds and put them together as a set
07:28:21 [hawke_]
MxxCon: Thanks for sticking with that edit. Nikki, thanks for figuring out what was going on
07:30:41 [nikki]
that's ok :)
07:30:56 [nikki]
I saw it was a japanese edition and couldn't resist having a look :P
07:50:50 [MxxCon]
so, how to handle this?
07:52:43 [MxxCon]
this box set was supposedly released in japan on November 28,2012
07:57:01 [drsaunde]
drsaunde has joined #musicbrainz
08:01:32 [nikki]
I would add the box set with the new catalogue numbers and add a note in the annotation about the others
08:01:52 [kapu]
kapu has joined #musicbrainz
08:03:23 [MxxCon]
by new you mean 148xx?
08:03:27 [nikki]
08:04:05 [peaveyman_]
peaveyman_ has joined #musicbrainz
08:06:59 [SultS_]
SultS_ has joined #musicbrainz
08:23:40 [ruaok]
ruaok has joined #musicbrainz
08:34:40 [reosarevok]
reosarevok has joined #musicbrainz
08:49:54 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
MarcelvanLeeuwen has joined #musicbrainz
08:50:04 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
08:51:24 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
i want to add a new release
08:51:36 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
this release does not exist
08:51:50 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
do i have to add a new release group first?
08:52:28 [ianmcorvidae]
it'll create one as part of adding the release
08:53:43 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
okay thus add release and it goes automatic
08:54:11 [reosarevok]
08:54:35 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
08:57:16 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
what does that "script" means?
08:57:32 [reosarevok]
08:57:37 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
i always fill Latin but i don't know why
08:57:39 [reosarevok]
So, Latin :)
08:57:41 [reosarevok]
08:57:47 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
ah okay
08:57:48 [reosarevok]
Latin is our alphabet
08:57:54 [reosarevok]
(the one we're writing in right now! :) )
08:58:16 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
is Latin a English word?
08:59:28 [reosarevok] ;)
08:59:41 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
hum latin is latijn in dutch
09:00:40 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
hum, yes i see!
09:00:56 [ianmcorvidae]
yeah, others get used sometimes, probably most frequently cyrillic and 日本語 [japanese] :P
09:01:00 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
never to old to learn
09:01:12 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:01:36 [ianmcorvidae]
in fact! you can learn exactly how many on :)
09:01:50 [ianmcorvidae]
(apparently latin - japanese - cyrillic is the order on MB)
09:02:52 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
yes, true
09:03:37 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
one of the benefits being on a IRC channel is learning new things
09:03:48 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
that's my experience
09:08:09 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
man, i need a second screen!!!
09:08:51 [nikki]
yes, you do
09:09:04 [nikki]
can never have enough screen space
09:11:02 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:11:05 [ianmcorvidae]
I need a third and fourth screen, I think :P
09:11:47 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:13:18 [ianmcorvidae]
unfortunately that would also require a second video card and a couple monitor mounts, which is about $800 more than I'd like to spend right now :P
09:14:54 [Ben\Sput]
Ben\Sput has joined #musicbrainz
09:16:12 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
hmm that is cheaper as a apple cinema display
09:24:32 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
maybe i have to go the Linux way...
09:34:17 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
then i need to change my ripping strategy
09:36:34 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
Jaikoz is also available for Linux
09:37:30 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:37:41 [ianmcorvidae]
picard is available for everything, yes, it's open source
09:37:42 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
I thought so, not sure
09:38:06 [ianmcorvidae]
or well, not because it's open source, but we have way too many linux users in MB for it not to be available there :)
09:38:09 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:38:32 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
You are also a Linux user
09:38:44 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:38:49 [ianmcorvidae]
09:39:15 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
I start using Linux a couple of years ago for my server
09:40:20 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
which distro's you people use?
09:41:09 [ianmcorvidae]
I use arch; I know of at least an exherbo and a person moving around (I think he's using nixos most recently though)
09:41:26 [ianmcorvidae]
and an assortment of people using ubuntu at least part-time
09:41:53 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:42:35 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
ubuntu has that new interface
09:42:41 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
09:43:14 [reosarevok]
From what I read it sucks. I have problems believing it can be worse than Gnome 3
09:43:35 [reosarevok]
* reosarevok saw gnome 3, ran install xfce
09:43:38 [ianmcorvidae]
from what I read, gnome 3 *and* unity both suck and you should use Cinnamon/MATE if you want something gnome-ish
09:44:11 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
Cinnamon / Mate is Mint
09:44:13 [ianmcorvidae]
not that I really know first-hand, but :P
09:44:16 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
I thought so
09:44:26 [nikki]
* nikki just installed xubuntu in the first place
09:45:02 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
Any Mint user here?
09:45:36 [reosarevok]
nikki: it sneakily installed when dist-upgrading debian :(
09:45:48 [reosarevok]
well, I guess that's what you get from dist-upgrading :p
09:45:54 [nikki]
09:46:14 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
The Linux Mint Debian Edition looks interesting
09:46:39 [reosarevok]
you know, it was *debian*! How was I to expect it'd have something less than ten years old! :p
09:54:00 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
or Fedora...
09:54:10 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
but that is Gnome 3
09:59:48 [derwin]
damn, 3am eternal
10:00:28 [reosarevok] can I haz vote?
10:00:34 [reosarevok]
well, or
10:00:46 [reosarevok]
* reosarevok wants to then fix the RGs themselves :/
10:02:02 [Ben\Sput]
Ben\Sput has joined #musicbrainz
10:05:18 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
Maybe i just have to try Ubuntu for awhile
10:05:31 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
i have a spare machine at the momnet
10:05:36 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
10:06:04 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
but then i need other ripping software
10:07:06 [reosarevok]
morituri is one I've heard mentioned as decent for linux
10:07:23 [ianmcorvidae]
I use rubyripper, myself, never gotten morituri set up
10:08:27 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
10:19:35 [drsaunde]
drsaunde has joined #musicbrainz
10:31:32 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
MarcelvanLeeuwen has joined #musicbrainz
10:31:46 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
10:32:03 [MarcelvanLeeuwen]
installing Ubuntu at the moment
10:34:46 [reosarevok]
hawke_, hawke: if you happen to see this, remember to RFV the instrumentator removal
10:41:14 [culinko]
reosarevok: i think you should look at and tell him you merged them:)
10:41:48 [reosarevok]
culinko: no need, that'll probably just fail once they get merged
10:43:39 [culinko]
well, i would be uncomfortable if one of my edits fails just because somebody else changed something, but that is me:)
10:44:10 [reosarevok]
10:44:23 [nikki]
reosarevok: do you trust it that much? if it lets people add duplicate relationships I wouldn't put it past it to use the same entity on both sides of the relationship :P
10:44:33 [reosarevok]
nikki: query for it :p
10:44:40 [nikki]
reosarevok: you do it :P
11:20:16 [jcazevedo]
jcazevedo has joined #musicbrainz
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peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
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jacobbrett has joined #musicbrainz
11:43:38 [culinko]
reosarevok: i just lol'd at your response in . poor guy:)
11:44:15 [culinko]
i mean the 2nd one. he just pasted *so many* links:)
11:44:29 [reosarevok]
Oh, that's been his edit note for every edit
11:44:36 [reosarevok]
It's not like he compiled them for this :)
12:21:20 [execat]
execat has joined #musicbrainz
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execat has joined #musicbrainz
12:41:06 [Leftmost]
When I said I wanted more artists to edit MB, I meant because they love metadata, not for promotional purposes. :-P
12:45:46 [ListMyCDs]
ListMyCDs has joined #musicbrainz
12:45:49 [jcazevedo]
jcazevedo has joined #musicbrainz
12:50:26 [ListMyCDs]
500, 502, 500 ...
12:50:57 [storrgie]
storrgie has joined #musicbrainz
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peaveyman_ has joined #musicbrainz
12:53:02 [lidel]
lidel has joined #musicbrainz
13:02:55 [peaveyman]
peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
13:04:07 [MissDee_]
is it normal to have metadata/tags int he middle of an MP3?
13:04:23 [MissDee_]
I have two files that acoustid think are the same
13:05:03 [MissDee_]
identical first 4MB, then a load of metadata and lame data then more arbitrary data
13:05:26 [ocharles]
5xx errors should be gone now, if you see them, let me know
13:05:33 [ocharles]
still working on fixing things, pingu is completely fucked
13:05:38 [ocharles]
(one of our servers)
13:24:08 [gmk1]
gmk1 has joined #musicbrainz
13:41:12 [drsaunde]
drsaunde has joined #musicbrainz
13:47:36 [jcazevedo]
jcazevedo has joined #musicbrainz
14:14:56 [luks_]
MissDee_: it's normal to have metadata at the end of the file (ID3v1)
14:15:55 [luks_]
oh, I missed that you have data after that
14:29:02 [peaveyman]
peaveyman has joined #musicbrainz
14:32:52 [MissDee_]
i think it may be the cover art,it's a 4.5MB jpeg
14:33:14 [MissDee_]
just odd that 2 files saved form picard with seemingly the same audo are different
14:48:04 [nikki]
I don't get discogs's api...
14:48:30 [skd5aner]
skd5aner has joined #musicbrainz
14:49:35 [nikki]
I was trying to find out how to take an artist/label url and look that thing up via the api and all I can find is some deprecated thing that doesn't support json o_O
14:49:49 [DarkestAudit]
DarkestAudit has joined #musicbrainz
14:50:00 [nikki]
I'm apparently supposed to magically know the artist/label ids or something...
14:50:30 [phunyguy_]
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15:34:52 [Rovastar]
Hi folks anyone fancy making a comment on this thread
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15:42:10 [culinko2]
is it normal that some of my open edits are showing that they will expire in 8 hours and others will expire in 1 day, but i entered them in ~20 min from each other
15:42:31 [nikki]
15:44:44 [culinko2] and for example
15:46:12 [nikki]
ahh, one of them was just after midnight utc, so I guess it's probably seeing different dates and being like "oh, in a day"
15:46:26 [nikki]
which is silly if it's true
15:46:34 [nikki]
(silly if it's not, really... XD)
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15:47:26 [culinko]
well, it explains something (at least i think it does)
15:48:04 [culinko]
some time ago i just saw 1 day left and only few hours after, all edits were applied
15:48:08 [nikki]
hmm, looks like it
15:48:10 [nikki]
* nikki will create a ticket
15:48:13 [culinko]
i thought i was crazy:)
15:49:09 [culinko]
or thought some autoeditor approved all edits, which is even crazier:) but i checked that later and no approves were there, so i went back to just being "crazy" heh:)
15:49:50 [nikki]
if there's a chance it's the server's fault, it probably is :P
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16:21:05 [KRSCuan]
Uhm, what the heck?
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16:21:19 [KRSCuan]
1064 voted-down edits, all but one of them within an hour.
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16:22:26 [ListMyCDs]
just noticed the same
16:24:14 [KRSCuan]
And a ton of open edits, most of which are adds.
16:24:49 [hawke_]
wasn't that reotab's huge campaign of 'voting no on individual members of quartets being removed from performance ARs'?
16:24:56 [hawke_]
I remember him complaining about that
16:25:01 [ListMyCDs]
yep it was that
16:25:51 [KRSCuan]
16:25:58 [KRSCuan]
Lazy or didn't play Baldur's Gate?
16:27:29 [hawke_]
both. :-)
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16:37:57 [KRSCuan]
Maybe you should fix one of those.
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17:16:07 [fractalizator]
Hi All!
17:16:32 [fractalizator]
I wonder if anyone has a script to upload all the album cover scans at once
17:17:16 [fractalizator]
Say, one creates a text file:
17:17:23 [reosarevok]
nikki had something bottily
17:17:41 [fractalizator]
FileName; Types
17:17:42 [fractalizator]
17:18:09 [fractalizator]
And then runs a sonsole script and gotes to have some tea for 20 minues, if the files are BIG
17:18:22 [fractalizator]
*gotes -> goes
17:19:11 [fractalizator]
I have some gygabites of covers on my hdd, and I want to do something useful with them, but adding all that manually is impossible.
17:20:11 [fractalizator]
and I'm to lazy to start the script from scratch, but I couldn't find anything yet.
17:20:32 [reosarevok]
yeah, I'm fairly sure nikki had a way to do that
17:20:41 [reosarevok]
But I don't know if it's online somewhere
17:21:27 [fractalizator]
online is ok, as long as I can type the text somewhere and press a big green button.
17:25:57 [reosarevok]
No, no, this runs in your computer
17:26:03 [reosarevok]
I mean that I don't know if the code is published
17:26:15 [reosarevok]
You might need to ask her directly
17:28:13 [fractalizator]
ok, thanx!
17:28:33 [fractalizator]
The second question: is there any consensus on video tracks?
17:28:51 [fractalizator]
How to mark them for desambiguation?
17:29:10 [fractalizator]
Should they be merged with the normal tracks, if the audio in the video is the same?
17:31:36 [kepstin-laptop]
fractalizator: I prefer to keep video tracks unmerged, and put something like "music video" in the disambiguation comment if the title/time would confuse them with the audio recording.
17:32:35 [reosarevok]
* reosarevok just puts "video" for every video track
17:32:37 [kepstin-laptop]
if there's an official version of the video on youtube/vimeo/whatever, you can link that to the video recording too :)
17:32:44 [reosarevok]
(well, plus the live info if it's live)
17:35:25 [fractalizator]
For example, there is where videos are linked to the audio tracks.
17:35:54 [fractalizator]
I think it's kinda wrong, but couldn't find any styleguides.
17:37:05 [fractalizator]
What about the relations? We have "recording of' and "cover of", for example, but what about videos?
17:37:50 [reosarevok]
We just join them normally to works
17:38:30 [fractalizator]
normally = "recording of"?
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17:43:00 [reosarevok]
fractalizator: yep
17:43:07 [reosarevok]
(or cover if it's a cover! :)
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17:45:41 [fractalizator]
Ok, I'll just put "video" in the disambiguation then.
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18:50:55 [KRSCuan]
I did a bunch of edits to remove wikilinks from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (who had 100 at the time).
18:50:56 [culinko]
nikki: wow, 68x no:)
18:50:56 [KRSCuan]
They ended with something between 30-2 and 20-1 each.
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18:51:41 [KRSCuan]
It was fun to look at the notification mails piling up.
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18:53:17 [culinko]
"This edit failed because there were insufficient "yes" votes." you don't say:)
18:54:01 [nikki]
the other edits with more than 25 'no's:
18:54:20 [nikki]
and more than 25 'yes'es:
18:55:32 [KRSCuan]
NOTHING warrants 100 wikilinks for Mozart. Deleting everything except de and en.
18:55:36 [KRSCuan]
There it is.
18:55:40 [nikki]
heh yeah
18:55:40 [KRSCuan]
Good times.
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18:58:22 [nikki]
oh man... I certainly don't miss those completely illogical arguments
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19:00:57 [KRSCuan]
Thankfully we have Wikidata now, which would have completely defeated brian's argument.
19:01:07 [KRSCuan]
Though I guess even that wouldn't have stopped him.
19:01:22 [nikki]
19:02:22 [nikki]
and yeah, I was just talking to ian earlier about how we could maybe use wikidata for fetching wikipedia links instead of maintaining them all ourselves
19:02:47 [nikki]
I used mozart of an example of why we wouldn't want to list all of the available ones by default because of that edit XD
19:04:13 [culinko]
well, for sure i learned something new by seeing those edits:)
19:04:40 [culinko]
how can a person collaborate on another person?:)
19:04:41 [reosarevok]
19:04:52 [reosarevok]
that's... nuts
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19:06:16 [culinko]
and i didn't know you could rename multiple release names in one edit
19:06:30 [nikki]
you can't, that's just the way things got migrated for ngs
19:07:29 [reosarevok]
(so, they were one release when the edit was added, but they got split on migration)
19:07:32 [nikki]
19:09:37 [culinko]
nikki: i just sumbled upon your ticket, , do you think it's a bug of release editor? i can see that the release has attached discid with 18 tracks
19:10:17 [nikki]
19:11:53 [culinko]
think it's kinda intended behavior, no? because if i attach discid with 18 tracks, i'd expect to show 18 tracks in release editor too
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19:14:16 [nikki]
well it's a bug somewhere, because the disc id shouldn't be attached to the release if it has the wrong number of tracks
19:15:40 [culinko]
that's true
19:16:00 [nikki]
and if we can't stop it from doing that, then we shouldn't stop people from being able to edit releases where people have added disc ids with the wrong number of tracks, because I can't edit that now without having to fix something unrelated to what I was originally trying to do :/
19:17:57 [culinko]
i hate it when i have to fix something very unrelated, which happens like every time i'll try to edit something :/
19:19:00 [reosarevok]
19:19:05 [reosarevok]
It does :(
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19:21:57 [culinko]
only sometimes i just can't do it
19:22:33 [KRSCuan]
If the original edit is open, you can tell the original editor to fix it.
19:22:40 [culinko]
why is this recording without a track duration? let me just see what release is this...
19:22:41 [KRSCuan]
Sometimes they do it.
19:22:43 [culinko]
19:22:47 [culinko]
*closes tab*
19:23:32 [KRSCuan]
Oh, I don't even concern myself with recording durations.
19:23:42 [KRSCuan]
Too many miytapes etc. sourced from shady sites.
19:23:50 [KRSCuan]
19:25:14 [culinko]
most of the time i just run into mainstream VA releases. and the feat. in titles are everywhere, can't escape:)
19:26:59 [nikki]
there's a difference between finding stuff you think you should fix and the release editor saying "NO! you can't continue unless you fix this!" though :P
19:28:53 [KRSCuan]
There should be a few more of those for release adds.
19:29:06 [culinko]
well the release editor is pretty nasty:P
19:29:06 [KRSCuan]
Various Artists as [foobar]
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19:29:21 [nikki]
that's the release editor messing up :/
19:30:15 [KRSCuan]
Hmm, and that one especially seems to hit editors who try to enter releases rom DiscIDs.
19:30:16 [nikki]
I've had trouble convincing it to change artist credits and not just use what I entered as a credit for the existing artist, so I can easily see how newbies have that problem
19:32:37 [nikki]
and the same for entering collabs/feats as single artists, the release editor makes it far easier to do it the wrong way than the right one
19:32:50 [culinko]
well, the editing must be hard for newbies, even i had a hard start and i usually adapt quickly
19:35:14 [culinko]
the wiki/beginners guide is kinda harsh. if you need many specific things to find, you will either need to read it all or you will find yourself lost in here
19:35:37 [nikki]
if you think you can improve it, feel free to try :P
19:35:50 [nikki]
* nikki has been around far too long to be any good at knowing what beginners expect
19:35:55 [culinko]
well, i'm not good at teaching others how to do stuff:)
19:36:08 [culinko]
for me it was 99% more effective to just ask reosarevok here on irc.P
19:36:12 [nikki]
19:36:21 [reosarevok]
19:36:27 [reosarevok]
I tried to improve the beginners guide
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19:36:34 [reosarevok]
(it was worse before, I promise!)
19:36:36 [reosarevok]
But it's hard
19:36:51 [culinko]
well the absolute basics are fine, i think
19:38:26 [culinko]
many people even don't read that, but that's their problem (and then the incorrect data problem, though)
19:41:09 [culinko]
maybe there should be some tutorial
19:42:44 [culinko]
like a video of some sort, adding/editing and such
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19:55:33 [derwin]
I've never seen the beginner's guide..
19:55:56 [reosarevok]
Probably didn't miss much
19:56:18 [derwin]
< nikki> and yeah, I was just talking to ian earlier about how we could maybe use wikidata for fetching wikipedia links instead of maintaining them all ourselves
19:56:21 [derwin]
19:59:03 [nikki]
well, it makes sense, the issue is just figuring out which links to show people
19:59:59 [culinko]
gotta go now, cya:)
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uptown has joined #musicbrainz
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MBChatLogger has joined #musicbrainz
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is logging
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Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger Afterster sivoais joshk murdos_ Shepard_ Muz uptown ianmcorvidae fractalizator peaveyman tyteen4a03 MxxCon drsaunde petteyg El_Rico jordi Kabaka hawke_ jamesh_ kepstin_ sezuan sampsyo dwg kapu Lotheric yvesr mr_maxis innocuous demosdemon reoafk Vorpal djinni`_ frewsxcv shardz massdosage danoply bricas_ DremoraLV STalKer-X napterk DarkestAudit mat_ mb-chat-logger Leftmost skd5aner phunyguy SultS lidel tenthirteen VxJasonxV _flow__
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Users on #musicbrainz: nikki derwin kepstin-laptop Diaoul jcazevedo KRSCuan ListMyCDs praest76 Tykling Rovastar nioncode ruaok Schisma_ ianweller night199uk ZaphodBeeblebrox HSOWA hangy xgnu_andrew JonnyJD_ MClemo iarp sam_d kloeri smgoller leonardo MissDee_ nano- warp luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist Rondom Fluke evilnick teh_almarar choupy function1 Clint ocharles xsteadfastx srotta ManiacTwister Jormangeud asmodai djpretzel the_metalgamer DocPlatypus bitmap navap
20:52:32 []
Users on #musicbrainz: KingJ alastairp flamingspinach
20:56:29 [MxxCon]
wait, there's already "Celebration Day" release group
20:56:38 [MxxCon]
i guess i should add it there?
20:57:12 [Cook879]
Cook879 has joined #musicbrainz
20:59:54 [nikki]
that seems to be a live release
21:01:17 [gmk1]
gmk1 has joined #musicbrainz
21:01:17 [Sergey_Ivanov]
Sergey_Ivanov has joined #musicbrainz
21:01:58 [nikki]
not sure about the primary type, but that's easy enough to change later anyway
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MBChatLogger_1 has joined #musicbrainz
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is logging
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Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger_1 ianmcorvidae|alt nikki_ Sergey_Ivanov gmk1 Cook879 MBChatLogger Afterster sivoais joshk murdos_ Shepard Muz uptown ianmcorvidae fractalizator peaveyman tyteen4a03 MxxCon drsaunde petteyg El_Rico jordi Kabaka hawke_ jamesh_ kepstin_ sezuan sampsyo dwg kapu Lotheric yvesr mr_maxis innocuous demosdemon Vorpal djinni`_ frewsxcv shardz massdosage danoply bricas_ DremoraLV STalKer-X napterk DarkestAudit mat_ mb-chat-logger Leftmost
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Users on #musicbrainz: skd5aner phunyguy SultS lidel tenthirteen VxJasonxV _flow__ nikki derwin kepstin-laptop Diaoul jcazevedo KRSCuan ListMyCDs praest76 Tykling nioncode ruaok Schisma_ ianweller night199uk ZaphodBeeblebrox HSOWA hangy xgnu_andrew iarp sam_d kloeri smgoller leonardo MissDee_ nano- warp luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist Rondom Fluke evilnick teh_almarar choupy function1 Clint ocharles xsteadfastx srotta ManiacTwister Jormangeud asmodai djpretzel
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Users on #musicbrainz: the_metalgamer DocPlatypus bitmap navap KingJ alastairp flamingspinach MClemo JonnyJD_
21:19:40 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
come oon please tell me and wtf is going on with mb-chat-logger
21:19:43 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
erh MBChatLogger
21:20:26 [MxxCon]
it seems like everybody is reconnecting with _ something is going on with freenode?
21:22:07 [Cook880]
Cook880 has joined #musicbrainz
21:23:16 [HSOWA]
aw man, the longest journey for 3 bucks 99 on GOG
21:23:18 [jordi_]
jordi_ has joined #musicbrainz
21:23:31 [HSOWA]
but its only for win, and it is not in norwegian so
21:24:20 [MBChatLogger_1]
MBChatLogger_1 has joined #musicbrainz
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is logging
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Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger_1 SultS_ jordi_ Cook880 ianmcorvidae|alt nikki_ Sergey_Ivanov gmk1 Cook879 Afterster sivoais murdos_ Shepard Muz uptown fractalizator peaveyman tyteen4a03 MxxCon drsaunde petteyg El_Rico Kabaka hawke_ jamesh_ kepstin_ sezuan sampsyo dwg kapu Lotheric yvesr mr_maxis innocuous demosdemon Vorpal djinni`_ frewsxcv shardz massdosage danoply bricas_ DremoraLV STalKer-X napterk DarkestAudit mat_ mb-chat-logger Leftmost skd5aner phunyguy
21:24:20 []
Users on #musicbrainz: SultS lidel tenthirteen VxJasonxV _flow__ derwin kepstin-laptop jcazevedo KRSCuan ListMyCDs praest76 Tykling nioncode ruaok Schisma_ iarp sam_d kloeri smgoller leonardo MissDee_ nano- warp luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist Rondom Fluke evilnick teh_almarar choupy function1 Clint ocharles xsteadfastx srotta ManiacTwister Jormangeud asmodai djpretzel the_metalgamer DocPlatypus bitmap navap KingJ alastairp flamingspinach MClemo JonnyJD_ xgnu_andrew
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Users on #musicbrainz: hangy HSOWA ZaphodBeeblebrox night199uk ianweller
21:24:25 [MxxCon]
ZaphodBeeblebrox: there you go, a major split
21:24:26 [ijabz]
ijabz has joined #musicbrainz
21:24:30 [HSOWA]
but it doesnt run on mac :/´( no wine either
21:24:52 [MxxCon]
HSOWA: solution: migrate to a civilized country and use civilized computers
21:25:08 [MxxCon]
MB doesn't allow uploading of .png :(
21:25:18 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:25:34 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
what wrng with norway and macs?
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joshk has joined #musicbrainz
21:26:00 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
noe: not a mac fanboy
21:26:11 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
just.. machines are machines
21:26:27 [skd5aner]
skd5aner has joined #musicbrainz
21:26:31 [MxxCon]
there are no english windows games on macs in norway
21:26:40 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
erh, sure there are
21:27:10 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
I have the sims mediaval, macinarium and Alpha Centaury right here
21:27:11 [MxxCon]
tell that to HSOWA:)
21:27:18 [HSOWA]
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Cook879 has joined #musicbrainz
21:27:20 [HSOWA]
same guy
21:27:28 [HSOWA]
differnt comp
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murdos_ has joined #musicbrainz
21:27:45 [KRSCuan]
What does that have to do with Norway?
21:27:53 [HSOWA]
but thisis a ppc that i was gifted :P
21:28:08 [HSOWA]
but i have games here too, age of empires and civIII :P
21:28:12 [KRSCuan]
21:28:21 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
I don't know :D
21:28:34 [MxxCon]
you can't play games in all that snow
21:28:49 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
there is no snow here now it's may
21:29:02 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
and there is no snow inside
21:29:08 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
or are you "joking"?
21:29:26 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
in such a case use an emoticon wil ya? won't kil ya :P
21:30:22 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
* ZaphodBeeblebrox isn't sure if being trolled or what
21:30:53 [MxxCon]
it will. extra characters cost money here
21:31:28 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
ehem. Msolution: migrate to a civilized country and use civilized computers
21:31:32 [nikki]
MxxCon: png support should be coming soon. the schema change release next week adds the support we need to be able to implement it at all, so sometime after that
21:31:34 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:31:39 [KRSCuan]
Being trolled by a Norwegian… how appropriate.
21:31:53 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
nikki: :O \o/
21:31:55 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:32:21 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
KRSCuan: you mean me?
21:32:23 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:32:37 [MxxCon]
nikki: how does this look?
21:33:05 [KRSCuan]
nikki: Will it get gif support too?
21:33:11 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
psh yo utel me about snow? u russian
21:33:17 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
you go in snow
21:33:20 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:33:34 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
* ZaphodBeeblebrox i joking and means no harm
21:33:42 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:33:51 [nikki]
KRSCuan: should do, there's no reason why not
21:33:59 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:34:01 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
also pdf
21:34:08 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:34:13 [nikki]
21:34:16 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:34:27 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
why not?
21:34:29 [KRSCuan]
PDF is evil.
21:34:33 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
well yea
21:34:41 [KRSCuan]
Well, gif is evil too.
21:34:42 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
but it's ok when you amke them yourself
21:34:47 [nikki]
pdfs aren't images. it's not as simple as changing the file extension and having it magically work
21:34:58 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
21:35:03 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
yea that makes sence
21:35:06 [KRSCuan]
But I have one web single where the official cover art was a gif.
21:35:12 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
uh uh but.. what about multi-image tiff?
21:35:29 [nikki]
same problem with it not magically working
21:35:30 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
there exsists releases with animated gifs eve, i know
21:35:42 [KRSCuan]
21:35:43 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
and singualrly image tiff?
21:35:49 [nikki]
same problem
21:35:59 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
well it wasn't that bad, as far as images are, that's rare enough to just be cute
21:36:21 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
tiff isn't a cool format huh.. it's what my scanner saves stuff a for some reason
21:37:10 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
butit's good quality ad n I can easily d o a batch convert with irfanwine
21:37:28 [MBChatLogger]
MBChatLogger has joined #musicbrainz
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is logging
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Users on #musicbrainz: MBChatLogger Cook879 skd5aner joshk ijabz SultS_ jordi_ ianmcorvidae|alt nikki Sergey_Ivanov gmk1 Afterster sivoais murdos_ Shepard Muz uptown fractalizator peaveyman tyteen4a03 MxxCon drsaunde petteyg El_Rico Kabaka hawke_ jamesh_ kepstin_ sezuan sampsyo dwg kapu Lotheric yvesr mr_maxis innocuous demosdemon Vorpal djinni`_ frewsxcv shardz massdosage danoply bricas_ STalKer-X napterk DarkestAudit mat_ mb-chat-logger Leftmost phunyguy lidel
21:37:28 []
Users on #musicbrainz: tenthirteen VxJasonxV _flow__ derwin kepstin-laptop KRSCuan ListMyCDs praest76 Tykling nioncode ruaok Schisma_ ianweller night199uk iarp sam_d kloeri smgoller leonardo MissDee_ nano- warp luks_ intgr njh hazrpg Synergist Rondom Fluke evilnick teh_almarar choupy function1 Clint ocharles xsteadfastx srotta ManiacTwister Jormangeud asmodai djpretzel the_metalgamer DocPlatypus bitmap navap KingJ alastairp flamingspinach MClemo JonnyJD_ xgnu_andrew
21:37:28 []
Users on #musicbrainz: hangy HSOWA ZaphodBeeblebrox
21:38:49 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
* ZaphodBeeblebrox also has day of the tentacle
21:38:51 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
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Ben\Sput has joined #musicbrainz
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Cook880 has joined #musicbrainz
21:52:35 [KRSCuan]
I used to have a LucasArts adventures collection, but lost the CDs.
21:52:43 [KRSCuan]
Thanks to a "friend" and my father.
21:53:44 [KRSCuan]
And used copies of it cost 80€ on Amazon.
21:53:44 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
damn those guys
21:57:48 [MxxCon]
should I upload scan of an inner rid of a CD?
21:57:52 [MxxCon]
er ring
21:57:59 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
inner ring?
21:58:06 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
the cd itself you mean?
21:58:21 [MxxCon]
the inner part with the bar code around the hole
21:58:31 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
I don't get it
21:58:47 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
if you upload the image of the cditself, theinner ring is therer is it not
21:58:56 [KRSCuan]
The part with the matrix code.
21:59:04 [KRSCuan]
On the back of the disc.
21:59:07 [MxxCon]
yes, matrix code
21:59:13 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
uh man, I don't know anything about the matrix
21:59:23 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
ph the back of the disc!
21:59:29 [MxxCon]
21:59:34 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
uh, I've never heard of anyone scanning that
21:59:49 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
idk, instinkt tells me "no" bu ask nikki or reoaway
22:00:21 [MxxCon]
but scan of cd itself is fine, right?
22:00:27 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
sure sure
22:00:32 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
that is "medium"
22:00:46 [KRSCuan]
If you have it I see no problem with uploading the matrix code thing.
22:01:03 [KRSCuan]
But I wouldn't go through the hassle of scanning it on purpose.
22:01:05 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
but it hasto be the whole disc, no?
22:01:24 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:01:26 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
i mean
22:01:33 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
I don't know
22:01:48 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
but yea, not to go throughtthe hassle of doing it intnetionally
22:01:49 [KRSCuan]
Some people scan even the plastic wraps for discs in a box set.
22:01:57 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:02:03 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:02:03 [nikki]
MxxCon: you can upload it if you want. most people don't bother scanning it but there's nothing saying it's not acceptable if someone does
22:02:06 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:02:26 [MxxCon]
just wondering if it's useful
22:02:27 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
nigood to know, should it be the entire disc best best too, or
22:02:34 [ocharles-]
ocharles- has joined #musicbrainz
22:02:39 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
ergAA nikki, good t oknow
22:02:52 [nikki]
MxxCon: useful is pretty subjective :) some people clearly think it is or they wouldn't scan it
22:02:55 [KRSCuan]
ZaphodBeeblebrox: If you mean me, no. Not the obi.
22:03:08 [KRSCuan]
Literally the plastic the discs are in.
22:03:18 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
not the obi? thn what "plastic wrapping" is it then?
22:03:28 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
* ZaphodBeeblebrox doesn't get it
22:03:31 [srotta_]
srotta_ has joined #musicbrainz
22:03:39 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
but that wrapping has no signs or marcs
22:03:56 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
it it does it's like "nice price" and a number
22:03:57 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:04:31 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
if it does*
22:04:43 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
I am goingto bed. to mess with words
22:05:01 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
natta natta
22:05:06 [HSOWA]
22:05:17 [KRSCuan]
Polyethylene Package (for CD).png
22:05:34 [lidel_]
lidel_ has joined #musicbrainz
22:07:58 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
anyway, seriously now. natta
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Cook879 has joined #musicbrainz
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_5moufl has joined #musicbrainz
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sivoais has joined #musicbrainz
22:08:40 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
men nikki da
22:08:43 [Diaoul]
Diaoul has joined #musicbrainz
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DremoraLV has joined #musicbrainz
22:08:55 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
* ZaphodBeeblebrox is scared. what is all this
22:08:56 [KRSCuan]
You blew her cover!
22:08:59 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
22:09:24 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
whnei wake up I'll probably be "CatQuest" again
22:10:30 [choupy]
choupy has joined #musicbrainz
22:10:40 [ZaphodBeeblebrox]
anyway, natta nikki og KRSCuan
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nioncode has joined #musicbrainz
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Cuan has joined #musicbrainz
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23:03:58 [MxxCon]
hey folks, can you please review to make sure i didn't make any mistakes? i have 9 more albums to add
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nioncode_ has joined #musicbrainz
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lidel has joined #musicbrainz
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fractalizator has joined #musicbrainz
23:08:05 [fractalizator]
c'mon man, there is nothing to review yet!
23:08:40 [fractalizator]
don't be afraid of mistakes if you don't delete or merge the data.
23:09:08 [fractalizator]
do you have the physical discs?
23:11:29 [MxxCon]
fractalizator: what you mean? i added an album and all the covers
23:11:47 [MxxCon]
fractalizator: can you see this?
23:12:43 [MxxCon]
fractalizator: i don't have physical discs but i have flacs and image scans of everything
23:13:30 [fractalizator]
You should say "" then :)
23:14:04 [MxxCon]
well the release itself as well
23:14:24 [MxxCon]
and release group
23:15:08 [fractalizator]
if you have good EAC logs along the flacs, you can try to use . It would be also a good idea to write something like "From EAC logs" in the edit message.
23:15:40 [fractalizator]
you know, the logs with a table inside.
23:16:37 [fractalizator]
f..., things like make me cry :\
23:16:53 [fractalizator]
just disabled the half of the acoustids
23:19:06 [MxxCon]
i do have eac logs
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Lajjla has joined #musicbrainz
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MissDee has joined #musicbrainz
23:21:39 [fractalizator]
great! don't throw 'em out!
23:21:53 [fractalizator]
feed them to that webpage.
23:22:51 [MxxCon]
23:23:23 [MxxCon]
my collection is similar to the last one on that page except for a few different albums
23:23:26 [MxxCon]
er 2
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23:27:54 [fractalizator]
but it's still different
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23:29:05 [fractalizator]
you can see how you should organize your release.
23:29:17 [fractalizator]
23:29:30 [fractalizator]
I just don't like
23:29:32 [fractalizator]
CD 6: Physical Graffiti (disc 1)
23:29:39 [fractalizator]
CD 7: Physical Graffiti (disc 2)
23:29:47 [fractalizator]
CD 9: The Song Remains the Same (disc one)
23:29:53 [fractalizator]
CD 10: The Song Remains the Same (disc two)
23:30:23 [fractalizator]
Guyz, shouldn't it be like "CD 10: The Song Remains the Same: Disc 2" e.g.?
23:30:31 [kepstin_]
yeah, that should probably be normalized to look like the pre-ngs release title style
23:30:38 [kepstin_]
so (disc 1), (disc 2), etc.
23:31:09 [fractalizator]
or ", disc 1"?
23:31:19 [kepstin_]
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23:32:00 [kepstin_]
ah, the japanese music forest folks redesigned their website and broke my userscript that did direct links to them :(
23:32:05 [fractalizator]
but at least not "(disc two)" then, right?
23:32:15 [kepstin_]
yeah, (disc two) is strange :)
23:32:17 [fractalizator]
23:32:42 [fractalizator]
or how to say that in Japanese?
23:32:57 [kepstin_]
... nvm, they actually redesigned their site to *require logins* :/
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MissDee_ has joined #musicbrainz
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xsteadfastx has joined #musicbrainz
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guess I have to create an account :/
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23:33:54 [kepstin_]
* kepstin_ supposes he should probably at least try to read the terms of use rather than ignoring them.
23:34:11 [kepstin_]
but google translator would probably make a hash of them anyways :)
23:35:46 [fractalizator]
"If you copy from this site, you should commit seppuku!"
23:35:58 [lidel_]
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23:38:28 [kepstin_]
... they require that you provide your name, split into given/surname fields :/
23:38:31 [lidel_]
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23:38:41 [kepstin_]
(and provide either a phonetic reading or latin transliteration)
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23:42:01 [kepstin_]
oh, sure, they ask for which prefecture in japan you're in, and don't have any 'foreigner' option...
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23:48:57 [fractalizator]
23:49:17 [ianmcorvidae]
in a country where none of us actually live :P
23:49:58 [ianmcorvidae]
* ianmcorvidae imagines them getting laughed out of court trying to get someone extradited for breaking their TOS :P
23:50:28 [kepstin_]
as an aside, they require the phonetic names in hiragana rather than katakana
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23:53:24 [ianmcorvidae]
fractalizator: btw, I think you were perhaps looking for when you were talking
23:53:37 [ianmcorvidae]
fractalizator: make sure to follow the bot code of conduct though, don't just open a couple thousand edits or anything :P
23:53:42 [kepstin_]
ah; the requirement is actually that you use full-width characters!
23:53:56 [fractalizator]
Toyama Tokanawa (rus. "a pit, then a ditch")
23:54:22 [fractalizator]
Komuto Herowato ("someone feels shitty")
23:54:55 [kepstin_]
I guess I'm Calvin Walton
23:55:29 [fractalizator]
2ianmcorvidae thanx, nikki sent me the link already.
23:55:39 [fractalizator]
2kepstin_ MY EYES!!!1!
23:56:08 [kepstin_]
* kepstin_ can now use the music forest db again! :)
23:56:41 [kepstin_]
I wonder if they'll think it's strange that someone with a latin name and a '.ca' email address is living in saitama.
23:58:28 [kepstin_]
that's the most ridiculous sign-up form i've ever done.